Country and Gospel Singer /Songwriter  
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Amber is San Diego's  Queen of Country, writing and singing songs of joy and sorrow - of love and family. Her 1990 hit "Mama's Love" is the heartwrenching  story of growing up with the determination to survive the loss of a father's love. "Love Will Win"  shows Amber's strength as a survivor and her faith in Love and God. Amber lives in the Nashville area, with her husband and guitar player Aaron Miller, continuing her musical quest in country and gospel.


Star Country - Playing San Diego in 1990

"We were more than just a band we became family and friends over the years. Although Moma's Love was all me, the three of us worked together on several pieces, including the music to Love Will Win.

In any event, my success in my music wasn't my doings alone, I had God and he wrote through me, and gave me two others to help me. I thank God for Aaron and Ted, not just for making beautiful music but for putting their whole hearts and talents into our music

I have a lot of love admiration and respect for Ted, Aaron and Mike, I couldn't of done any of this without, you guys, you will always have a happy spot in my heart, thanks so much for believing in me all these years Aaron Miller & Ted Stern. God love you, I sure do!"

 - Amber